EV Charging   Mark Moran
LTT858   29 November 2022

Mayor announces boost to ultra-rapid EV charging provision on public land

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has announced 100 new ultra- rapid public chargepoints will be rolled out across the capital next year. City Hall and Transport for London (TfL) release land charging points on roads suitable for businesses, emergency service vehicles and taxis

In a keynote speech at the Evening Standard Plug It In event at the Design Museum, Khan set out his plans. He announced that City Hall has identified sites on the TfL Road Network which will be suitable for a further 100 ultra- rapid charge points. The first 25 of these will be put out to tender on 30 November, and 75 more will follow by the end of April next year, with the aim for all 100 to be operational by the end of 2023.


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