In LTT magazine, LTT899, available for subscribers to access.
There is certainly no let-up to the high level of policy-related activity on local transport initiated by the arrival of a new government and therefore filling the pages of LTT! In this issue, we report and comment upon the latest developments regarding the review of the DfT’s major road projects programme, identifying the head of the panel invited to look at the appropriateness and financial justification of the scheme portfolio inherited from the last government. There are also important observations on the merits of the programme from campaigners and on the suitability of involving private finance from a senior economist.
We also focus further on the transport implications of the new government’s planning reforms, and are pleased to announce detailes of the event organised by LTT in partnership with the Transport Planning Society to present best practice on how sustainable accessibility should be provided to the substantial new housing provision promised by the Government. It will take place in London on 8 November, and you will find information about it in the new issue. All LTT readers involved in this field are encourage to attend. Representatives of both the Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government and Transport have indicated their wish to attend and hear input from the transport planning sector on the planned new guidance on this issue.
Other topics on which we focus include the impact of delivery drones and robot pods in urban areas, and the equivalent by automated vehicles. Reports on each of these subjects warn of the effect these are likely to have on street space and the activities of other users of the public realm, including pedestrians and non-motorised modes. There is also coverage of the latest developments on 20 mph speed limit policies; the encouragement of active travel; and the Government’s rail and bus legislative plans, along with other news topics.
Our regular columnist, Phil Goodwin, takes a detailed look at the history of road pricing ideas, begun 60 years ago with the report of the Smeed panel. He records a mounting set of significant pieces of work, which make a strong case for the concept, but notes the difficulty of achieving political support to implement this potentially controversial measure.
John Siraut, meanwhile, takes a deep dive into the latest National Travel Survey data and identifies some important accelerating long-term trends. We also publish a first contribution from systems developer, Devon Barrett, carefully exploring the concept of connectivity analysis as applied to bus services this year with the new round of Bus Service Improvement Plans to the DfT, and potential further development of the technique.
In his Editorial Opinion, Peter Stonham reflects on the key decisions relating to transport that are likely to emerge from Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ first Budget next month, and the impact of the new Government’s approach to spending objectives on future project plans.
To read the new LTT and all the valuable material in it, simply go to If you are a subscriber, you can log in to read the issue in full and/or print out a copy.
For anyone who is not a subscriber, there is a facility to quickly purchase access for either an individual issue or a monthly or annual subscription to LTT. And you will see that we have brought in attractive new lower prices, as we have promised, to reflect the switch to digital delivery. It is now just £75 to subscribe to LTT for a year as an individual or £7.50 per month.
The next issue will appear on 1 October 2024.
Local Transport Today has been providing a unique service of news, analysis and comment about everything relating to transport at urban, conurbation, rural and regional levels in Britain for over 30 years.
Founded as a magazine in 1989, it quickly became required reading for planners and transport managers in local authorities, transport service providers, consultants and specialist suppliers and all those researching and studying the challenges of providing mobility and accessibility for people and businesses all around the UK.
Over the years, conferences and seminars, online information resources and other networking and knowledge exchange activities - including an annual Local Transport Summit - have been added to the mix.
During the Covid-19 lockdown this year, LTT introduced a regular fortnightly series of online conversations which became must-attend discussions for those tackling the impacts of the pandemic on local transport.
The most recent innovative step has been the switch to digital publication including the LTT digital platform, providing an enhanced reader experience for you in accessing LTT content. This brings together the opportunity to read the complete copy of the magazine digitally - and print it out if required - with the facility to explore its contents as individual items. This platform is designed to suit both desktop and handheld devices. There are also direct links to all featured websites and email addresses mentioned in the magazine.
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For anyone who is not a subscriber, there is a facility to quickly purchase access for either an individual issue or a monthly or annual subscription to LTT. And you will see that we have brought in attractive new lower prices, as we have promised, to reflect the switch to digital delivery. It is now just £75 to subscribe to LTT for a year as an individual or £7.50 per month.
This full exceptional collection of material is not available anywhere else and continues the well-established LTT mission to be the only authoritative source for UK local transport professionals and practitioners!
The UK Local Transport Eco-system at a Glance(!)
Transport issues and challenges are now a complex overlapping web of different localities, activities, modes, professional disciplines, technologies and financial and governance models. The LTT team uniquely understand this matrix and how all the different elements fit together.